[Box Backup] Backup Ninja

Richard Hurt boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Tue, 31 Oct 2006 11:05:48 -0500

I was just thinking about how to back up a live MySQL database using
Box Backup.  The only difference is that I would like to back up the
database live using lazy mode, not dump it once a day.  Any
clues/hints from anyone?


On 10/31/06, Jamie Neil <jamie@versado.net> wrote:
> In case there are any other Debian (or derived distro) Box Backup users
> out there, you might want to take a look at a program called Backup Ninja.
> It's a backup scheduler that lets you configure a number of different
> backup jobs in one place. Support for rdiff-backup and duplicity is
> built in, but because it allows you to execute arbitary scripts
> integrating boxbackup is trivial.
> We have it set up to:
> 1) Dump the debian package list to a text file.
> 2) Dump all MySQL databases to compressed text files.
> 3) Run boxbackup in snapshot mode.
> every day at 1am.
> Current (sarge) version is quite old, but the version in backports is
> (mostly) up to date and works well. You can also find the latest version
> (backported from unstable) in our repository: http://ftp.versado.net/debian/
> Hope someone finds it useful.
> --
> Jamie Neil | <jamie@versado.net> | 0870 7777 454
> Versado I.T. Services Ltd. | http://versado.net/ | 0845 450 1254
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