[Box Backup] Restore & Compare Issue

Matt Brown boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Sat, 21 Apr 2007 14:15:11 +0100

Hash: SHA1

Hi Chris,

>>> > Would using over a VPN be causing any issues related to  
>>> Exception: > Connection TLSReadFailed (Probably a network issue  
>>> between client and > server.) (7/34)
>>> Not here ... been using BB over ssh tunnel and over IPsec vpn on  
>>> freebsd with no problems.
>> Thanks for that, maybe I am taking the error to literaly and its  
>> not network related at all - could this be a permissions error SSL  
>> related ?
>> BB does run as root so not sure what it cant access.
> I think it is network related, unless you have somehow got your  
> certificates or key files messed up, but in that case I don't think  
> you'd be able to log in with bbackupquery and get a file listing.

I think the certs are fine, backing up seems to be fine. BB is  
sending  a single  3.5GB file each night to the BB server.

> Do you have any huge directories backed up?

Only this one 3.5GB file (its a 20GB SQL database file compressed to  
3.5GB  (gzip))

> How long does the restore run before it fails with TLSReadFailed?
Immediately, as soon as I ask it to restore a dir or do a get object  
the TLS issue raises it head, but sending to the server for backup  
part is fine.

> What was the last file that it restored, and how big is that file?  
> Was it completely restored?
I have not managed to restore a single file, I am going to backup a  
small file 2Mb and see if I can restore that .. just to eliminate as  
a file size problem.

> Perhaps we have to do SSL keepalives during restore to keep the  
> connection open, as we do during backups?
Possibly, however it does not appear to get a certain way then fail,  
it fails at the start and nothing except directories are created on  
the local client.

> Is there any chance that the VPN tunnel went down during the  
> restore? Or the Internet connection between client and server? Can  
> you measure any packet loss on that connection by pinging from  
> client to server while the restore is running?
Not that I can see, this tunnel is a main link between two sites and  
is used continuously during the day, if the tunnel was to fail we  
would have approx 50 users screaming at us, so I think the tunnel is  
robust and stable. The backup is performed at night when there is  
little or no traffic.

> Could it perhaps be an MTU problem over the VPN tunnel? Do other  
> things work over that tunnel? Can you use FTP to transfer large  
> files in both directions?

The servers are all located at one location and all the users at  
another, there is constant traffic and scanned files being sent up  
and down the link. The link is a 10MB leased line at the other end  
and a 4MB leased line at our end. We can quite often achieve 3.5MB  
constant across it quite happily. We used to do an Rsync of the file 
(s) on a nightly basis over the same tunnel without issue - however  
looking at BB we wanted a secure backup (encrypted) and this BB  
server will service other backups from other servers in due course -  
however until I can satisfy myself I can get the data back I am  
unable to roll this out across the other servers which is a shame.

Any light on this would be great, I am really looking forward to  
using BB :-)

Kind Regards

Matt Brown

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (Darwin)
