[Box Backup] Backup Stats ?
Matt Brown
Tue, 28 Aug 2007 00:07:43 +0100
Looking through some of the older posts to this list (around Sept-Nov
04) I noticed a few threads about backup stats.
I am currently running Box Backup 0.10 (Chris Merge 1794) for a
handful of clients in place of an Rsync script - clients however were
used to the verbose output to show what files were backed up and the
rsync summary at the end of the batch was also semi-informative...
Is there likely to be a similar feature for Box ? I did grab the
bbclientstatus.pl script along with the box::config perl mod which
can email the last backup etc of a client which is great for me to
see the status of the clients, and poke this data at Nagios, however
I think what the clients would love to see is something along the
lines of:
1. Did it backup last night ?
2. What size was the backup.
3. Any errors ?
4. Space left on store/used.
Any thoughts ?
Keep up the fantastic work on this project, I am a great fan and of
course as always I am happy to test or assist if need be :-)
Matt Brown