[Box Backup] NATed Server, static IP clients

Tobias Heinzmann boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Fri, 31 Aug 2007 14:09:18 +0200

Hi list,

I`ve got a server thats behind a NAT and two clients that 
have their own static IPs, spreaded on the broad wide net.

To use the server for this clients, too, I thought of opening
a tunnel from the server to the clients so that the clients
simply can connect to themselves and get redirected to the server.
Because there is no way to get an additional forwarding rule
in the fw. :-/

Think thats better than running a server on each client-machine
and copy the backuped data via cron-scripting to the "real" server.

Now the problem is:

- how do I tell the clients to connect to themselves, while using the
  real server cert?

Thanks and best regards!

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