[Box Backup] Box Backup on Rails

Richard Hurt boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Mon, 26 Feb 2007 12:37:03 -0500


I get the following message when I hit your link.  I think you need to
loosen up some permissions or something.  :)


You don't have permission to access /rbbackup on this server.

BTW: I was *just* now thinking about a client of some sort!  Talk
about great timing.


On 2/26/07, Stefan Norlin <stefan.norlin@infoflexconnect.se> wrote:
> We have created a Ruby driver for Box Backup and implemented
> a web application based on Ruby on Rails (http://www.rubyonrails.org).
> It can be used for browsing server stores (like bbackupquery) and
> we will soon add functionality to restore/extract files.
> The first version of the result can be viewed and tested a bit here:
> https://secure2.infoflex.se/rbbackup
> User login: "demo"/"bbdemo"
> Admin login: "admin"/"bbadmin"
> Any feedback is greatly appreciated!!!
> Please do not change the passwords and please let the original info
> be so that anyone can try it, but otherwise feel free to play around
> in the application. You can even add your own server if you like.
> Like in "your own test server" that you do not mind if other people
> can access... :)
> Some info on the project here:
> https://secure2.infoflex.se/rbbackup/user/about
> Maybe the name "Box Backup on Rails" should be changed in
> order not to step on anyones toes if it sounds too officially connected
> to Box Backup, but it was the name that first came to mind.
> Our intention is to license it as open source and make it a contribution
> to the project if there is enough interest in it... after some additional
> work and cleanup. We really appreciate all the effort put in the Box
> Backup prohect and the truly great product!
> If you have any questions/comments that do not belong on the list,
> feel free to send them directly to me, stefan.norlin@infoflexconnect.se.
> Cheers,
> Stefan
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> boxbackup mailing list
> boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
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