[Box Backup] User reports.

Tom Albers boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Tue, 13 Mar 2007 22:59:57 +0100

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Op di 13 mar 2007 22:52 schreef u:
> Sorry, I'm not aware of any such script. If you write one, please consider 
> sharing it with us and the public under a liberal license.

> > BTW. We just started working with Box Backup and it really seems a 
> > stable and reliable product. Thanks to all involved!
> Thank you! Can we quote you?

Of course. You can mention KovoKs (www.kovoks.nl) as contact for people seeking assistance in The Netherlands (paid).

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Op di 13 mar 2007 22:52 schreef u:<br />
<font color="#ff0000">&gt; Sorry, I'm not aware of any such script. If you write one, please consider <br />
</font><font color="#ff0000">&gt; sharing it with us and the public under a liberal license.<br />
</font><br />
Sure.<br />
&nbsp;<br />
<font color="#0000ff">&gt; &gt; BTW. We just started working with Box Backup and it really seems a <br />
</font><font color="#0000ff">&gt; &gt; stable and reliable product. Thanks to all involved!<br />
</font><font color="#ff0000">&gt; <br />
</font><font color="#ff0000">&gt; Thank you! Can we quote you?<br />
</font><br />
Of course. You can mention KovoKs (<a href="http://www.kovoks.nl">www.kovoks.nl</a>) as contact for people seeking assistance in The Netherlands (paid).<br />
<br />

