[Box Backup] Re: bbackupquery and german umlauts

Jon Dye boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Wed, 19 Sep 2007 15:13:44 +0100

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Max Lindner wrote:
> So the last thing remaining is the question how I can type umlauts
> inside bbackupquery.

It just works for me, I didn't do anything special to enable it.  I'm
using 0.10 on gentoo but I don't think readline is enabled in this build
(there is no tab completion on my client).

> jon@tv ~ $ bbackupquery -q
> query > ls bl=F6dsinn
> Directory 'bl=F6dsinn' not found on store

When you say it's not possible to enter one, what are you trying?  Do
you use a German keyboard?  Are you saying it works at the console but
not in bbackupquery?


"Dear Corinthians, as you can tell from my preamble, this is going to be
quite a long letter."
		- Eddie Izzard

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