[Box Backup] Troubleshooting a 0.10

Damien B boxbackup@boxbackup.org
Sat, 30 Aug 2008 16:08:32 +0200

Chris Wilson wrote
 > With that info, we should be able to figure out at least a starting
 > point for tracking down your problem.

Sorry to be rude, but I don't want to bother the list with my problems, 
I just want to know if there is somewhere a guide to troubleshoot a 0.10 
install which has not been converted to 0.10.

Chris Wilson wrote
 > Would it be possible for you to build a copy of 0.11 on the same
 > client and run it on the same configuration [...]

I'll do that.

I did some changes in the configuration, starting from the folder where 
it seemed to have stopped assuming that boxbackup works in the 
alphabetical order, and it seems to me that it was blocked in 
/var/named/run-root, which is a mere 120KiB, but maybe confused by some 
inodes like those ones:
[root@xxxx run-root]# ls -l dev
total 0
crw-r--r--  1 root root 1, 8 nov  3  2006 random
crw-r--r--  1 root root 1, 9 nov  3  2006 urandom
