[Box Backup] Troubleshooting a 0.10

Damien B boxbackup@boxbackup.org
Sat, 30 Aug 2008 18:48:46 +0200

Chris Wilson wrote:
 > If you have a proc filesystem mounted anywhere inside the backup
 > location, you must exclude it from 0.10, because it will completely
 > confuse 0.10 and may cause it to crash or hang forever.

The culprit seems to be that, a proc subtely mounted for this named 
running chrooted. I should have started by examining /proc/mounts...

Now there are some gigabytes to transfer before I can check whether all 
the folders are processed correctely ^^;

Now for the rest of the questions, but I hope to see in the next hours 
that the problem is solved.

 > If you remove all Exclude and AlwaysInclude directives, do the files
 > that you expect to be backed up get backed up?


 > If not, can you describe the problem in more detail, e.g. listing
 > directories that didn't get backed up, and any messages that you do
 > get in the Box Backup logs?

[root@ns29253 ~]# egrep "^Aug 28" /var/log/messages | grep "bbackup" | 
grep -v ": Receiv" | grep -v ": Send" | grep -v ": Begin" | grep -v 
"File s" | grep -v ": Opening" | grep -v ": Connection made" | more

Aug 28 00:10:25 ns29253 bbackupd[25191]: Backup object failed, error 
when reading /var/named/run-root/proc/acpi/event
Aug 28 00:10:25 ns29253 bbackupd[25191]: Error code when uploading was 
(1/2), Common OSFileOpenError (Can't open a file -- attempted to load a 
non-existant config file or bad file referenced within?)

Aug 28 05:50:36 ns29253 bbackupd[25191]: Backup object failed, error 
when reading /var/named/run-root/proc/222/task/222/exe
Aug 28 05:50:36 ns29253 bbackupd[25191]: Error code when uploading was 
(1/9), Common OSFileError (Error accessing a file. Check permissions.)

Aug 28 07:15:38 ns29253 bbackupd[25191]: Backup object failed, error 
when reading /var/named/run-root/proc/sys/net/ipv4/route/flush
Aug 28 07:15:38 ns29253 bbackupd[25191]: Error code when uploading was 
(1/2), Common OSFileOpenError (Can't open a file -- attempted to load a 
non-existant config file or bad file referenced within?)

As we cas see, some errors in reading the proc files are reported as 
1/2, others as 2/9.

That one is perfectly normal:
Aug 28 07:30:53 ns29253 bbackupd[25191]: Some files have modification 
times excessively in the future. Check clock syncronisation.
Aug 28 07:30:53 ns29253 bbackupd[25191]: Example file (only one shown) : 

That's all the distincts messages for that day among the 7000+ lines of 
logging (after filtering).

> Also, please do post your configuration file.

Here it is:
[root@host_to_backup ~]# egrep -v "^#" /etc/box/bbackupd.conf | egrep -v 
"^ *$"
StoreHostname = store.server.address
AccountNumber = 0x314
KeysFile = /etc/box/bbackupd/314-FileEncKeys.raw
CertificateFile = /etc/box/bbackupd/314-cert.pem
PrivateKeyFile = /etc/box/bbackupd/314-key.pem
TrustedCAsFile = /etc/box/bbackupd/serverCA.pem
DataDirectory = /var/bbackupd
NotifyScript = /etc/box/bbackupd/NotifySysadmin.sh
UpdateStoreInterval = 3600
MinimumFileAge = 21600
MaxUploadWait = 86400
FileTrackingSizeThreshold = 65535
DiffingUploadSizeThreshold = 8192
MaximumDiffingTime = 20
ExtendedLogging = yes
CommandSocket = /var/run/bbackupd.sock
         PidFile = /var/run/bbackupd.pid
                 Path = /bin
                 Path = /etc
                 Path = /lib
                 Path = /opt
                 Path = /root
                 Path = /sbin
                 Path = /usr
                 ExcludeDir = /usr/tmp
                 Path = /var
                 AlwaysIncludeDir = /var/www
                 ExcludeDir = /var/bbackupd
                 ExcludeDir = /var/lock
                 ExcludeDir = /var/log
                 ExcludeDir = /var/lost+found
                 ExcludeDir = /var/mail
                 ExcludeDir = /var/named/run-root
                 ExcludeDir = /var/preserve
                 ExcludeDir = /var/run
                 ExcludeDirsRegex = \blogs\b

