[Box Backup] SSL error and SocketBind Error

Chris Wilson boxbackup@boxbackup.org
Fri, 5 Dec 2008 20:00:59 +0000 (GMT)

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Hi Andres,

Please could you use a mail client that doesn't produce such mangled=20
output, and paste complete error messages in future? Thanks in advance.

On Tue, 2 Dec 2008, Andres Fernandez wrote:

> I receive the next error when I start bbstored , the bbstored.conf it=20
> good configure, but that not work good. The error its
> SSL error during Load certificates: error:0200100D:system
> library:fopen:Permission denied
> SSL error during=85=85 error:20074002:BIO routnes:FILE_CTRL:system lib
> SSL error =85=85.: error:140DC002:SSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_file:syst=
em lib
> WARNING: Exception thrown:
> ServerExecption(TLSLoadCertificatesFailed) at TLSContext.cpp(118)
> FATAL: Terminating due to exeption Server
> TLSLoadCertificatesFailed (3/25)
> NOTICE: Terminating daemon

It looks like the permissions on the folder where the certificates were=20
originally stored was incorrect. Please could you provide a "ls -la" on=20
that folder? Also, which version of Box Backup are you using, how did you=
install it, and on what system? And please could you provide a copy of=20
your original bbstored.conf file, before you made the changes?

> I change the pem files another folder and I received the
> next error:
> WARNING: Exception thrown: ServerException (SocketBindError)
> al ../../lib/server/socketlisten.h(199)
> FATAL: Terminating due to exception Server SocketBindError
> (Check the ListenAddresses directive in your config file =96 must refer t=
> local IP addresses only=3D (3/16)
> I need you to help me, I searched two week a posible solutions, but i=20
> don know now!
> HELP please, I need to run that server because I wann=B4t to work with=20
> Sonicwall CDP!.

Please could you tell us what ListenAddresses you have in your=20
bbstored.conf, and what the output of "ip addr ls" gives on your bbstored=

Cheers, Chris.
_____ __     _
\  __/ / ,__(_)_  | Chris Wilson <0000 at qwirx.com> - Cambs UK |
/ (_/ ,\/ _/ /_ \ | Security/C/C++/Java/Ruby/Perl/SQL Developer |
\ _/_/_/_//_/___/ | Stop nuclear war http://www.nuclearrisk.org |