[Box Backup] Announcing 0.11 Release Candidate 1

Eric Cronin boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Mon, 28 Jan 2008 18:46:54 -0500

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On Jan 28, 2008, at 6:15 PM, Chris Wilson wrote:

> Hi Eric,
> On Mon, 28 Jan 2008, Eric Cronin wrote:
>> OK, finally got around to updating the Portfile for MacPorts.  A  
>> temporary
>> version that others can use for testing is at
>> <http://svn.gizmolabs.org:8080/svn/gizmolabs/dports/sysutils/boxbackup/ 
>> >.
>> Once 0.11 is released this will go into the main MacPorts tree so  
>> users will
>> see the update automatically.
>> <http://www.macports.org/ports.php?by=cat&substr=sysutils> is the  
>> closest to
>> an official link short of the Portfile itself I think.
> Thanks!

Hmm...  I think you're looking at the old 0.10 portfile.  <http://svn.gizmolabs.org:8080/svn/gizmolabs/dports/sysutils/boxbackup/Portfile 
 > is the updated version for 0.11rc1. All but one of the patches you  
asked about were able to be removed for 0.11, could you take a look  
and re-comment on what's still there if you think its extraneous?   
Some still wait on the fixes in trunk you mention below.

>> The install procedure is unaware of $DESTDIR, used for package- 
>> building
> make install does nothing except print a message, because Box Backup  
> uses
> "parcels" that can be installed on other machines. Do you want the  
> parcel
> script to be aware of $DESTDIR? You should easily be able to unpack  
> the
> parcels wherever you want in any case.

The install target uses the install-backup-client and/or install- 
backup-server Makefile targets right now.  The regex to edit  
makeparcels.pl.in fixes this simple enough, but OpenBSD and any other  
system that uses DESTDIR to isolate installs is probably going to  
require a similar patch.  Basically --prefix is used for setting paths  
to config files and in docs etc, but then installing goes to $ 
{DESTDIR}/${prefix} so that the port system can see exactly what files  
are installed.  Once the contents are recorded the packaging system  
takes care of correctly moving things from the temporary DESTDIR to  
the actual prefix.


>> bin/bbackupd/bbackupd-config.in and bin/bbstored/bbstored-config.in
>> still have '/usr/local' instead of $prefix hard-coded in
> Thanks, I'm about to fix that in trunk.
>> infrastructure/makedistribution.pl doesn't grab the perl path from  
>> configure
> Thanks, fixed in trunk.
>> Despite what ./configure says, paths like /etc/box and /var/ 
>> bbackupd are
>> still hard-coded into headers and such (sometimes only in comments/ 
>> help
>> info, but still confusing).
> Thanks, about to fix in trunk.
>> As I believe someone else noted, the html docs aren't included in the
>> tarball currently.
> Thanks, hope to fix before the next release candidate.
>> parcels/scripts/install-backup-client is getting a fifth line in it  
>> of
>> format "install dir" (e.g. no file to be installed is there) which
>> errors out the script.  Right now I'm manually deleting it doing  
>> "port
>> patch; vi work/*/parcels/scripts/install-backup-client; port install"
>> instead of just port install.
> Should be fixed already in trunk.
> Thank you very much for pointing out all these issues! I hope to  
> address
> them all for the next release candidate.

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