[Box Backup] Announcing 0.11 Release Candidate 2

Chris Wilson boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Tue, 29 Jan 2008 08:52:15 +0000 (GMT)

Hi Eric,

On Mon, 28 Jan 2008, Eric Cronin wrote:

> More assorted nits:
> * LICENSE.txt probably shouldn't go in bin/:
>   /opt/local/var/macports/software/boxbackup/0.11rc2_0/opt/local/bin:
>   LICENSE.txt*     bbackupd*        bbackupquery*
>   bbackupctl*      bbackupd-config*

What would be a good autoconfed location for it? According to this page:


there doesn't seem to be a good standard location for docs. 
@datadir@/doc/boxbackup would expand to /usr/local/share/doc/boxbackup on 
Linux, but always appending /doc/boxbackup makes for inconvenient paths on 
other systems.

> * Thoughts on providing generated html in documentation/html so docbook 
>   doesnt need to be installed to get local documentation?

I want to do it, but haven't had time yet :-) Sorry, I should really have 
waited to get this in before releasing RC2.

> Other than that it looks good.  I was able to replace all the earlier 
> seds on individual files with two to configure.

These two?

> reinplace "s|sysconfdir='/etc'||g" ${worksrcpath}/configure
> reinplace "s|localstatedir='/var/run'||g" ${worksrcpath}/configure

Why do you need to remove them? I think it would be better to set these by 
passing args to configure, e.g. --sysconfdir=/blah --localstatedir=/bar, 
as in to the commented-out code below.

Cheers, Chris
_____ __     _
\  __/ / ,__(_)_  | Chris Wilson <0000 at qwirx.com> - Cambs UK |
/ (_/ ,\/ _/ /_ \ | Security/C/C++/Java/Ruby/Perl/SQL Developer |
\ _/_/_/_//_/___/ | We are GNU : free your mind & your software |