[Box Backup] Spurious "store-full" from bbackupd on connection timeouts

Alex Harper boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Mon, 28 Jul 2008 21:22:08 -0700


I've recently upgraded from trunk rev 2149 to a more recent rev (2200).

Sometimes my laptop clients are put to sleep during a backup. On wake the
connections time out.

Under 2184 these resulted in connection errors being reported to the notify
script. As of trunk 2200 they are now reported as "store-full". In both
cases the errors are safely ignored and the next backup runs fine, but the
store-full message is incorrect. All clients have adequate space on the
server (usage is below the soft limit).

Rev 2181 appears to have introduced the problem, although I'm not sure if
that's only because it is now propagating the error from
BackupClientDirectoryRecord.cpp line 1512 correctly. Its possible the real
problem is the related to the connection error test on line 1505 in that
same file.

Hopefully this will point someone who knows that code in the right
direction, let me know if there's any more info I can provide,



Alex Harper                                         aharper@foobox.net

"Eternity is a terrible thought. I mean, where's it going to end?"
                                                   - Tom Stoppard