[Box Backup] Help installing client on Mac OS X

Tobias Balle-Petersen boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Tue, 24 Jun 2008 09:41:27 +0200

Hello Per.

Did that paunchd-file ever get added to the project? Cant seem to find 
it. Would you mind posting it here?


Per Reedtz Thomsen wrote:
> All,
> On a Macintosh note, I have a launchd config file for bbackupd, that 
> makes bbackupd launch on boot. Not quite sure where this file should be 
> checked in? contrib? It should obviously be a part of a Macintosh 
> installation package, along with a bbstored companion...
> Where should I check it in? Or does it require a review?
> Thanks,
> Per