[Box Backup] New openssl packages fix predictable random number generator

Magnus Homann boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Thu, 15 May 2008 08:37:57 +0200

Bjarne Carlsen wrote:

> As I read the Box Backup docs, this would mean that all earlier backups
> will be valueless, unless the old (possibly insecure) keys are kept, and
> you would presumably have to back up and clear the store, and then start
> a new backup cycle on the fresh store while keeping the old backups in
> another place. 


If I just change the key without starint all over, will then boxbackuip 
conclude that all my files have changed, and upload a new version 
without any problems, or is the infrastructure around the files 
(pointers, lists, whatnots) also dependant on th ekeys.

Can I then retrieve old files by just stopping dameons and copying back 
the old .*, starting bbstored an do a 'get - <very-old-version>' in 
