[Box Backup] Eventlog full with warnings

Roy boxbackup@boxbackup.org
Mon, 10 Nov 2008 14:31:52 +0100

Chris Wilson wrote:
> Hi Roy,
> On Sat, 8 Nov 2008, Roy wrote:
>>>> First I got an error about the notify script on windows. There is an 
>>>> error in it. I replaced the section with the error with that same 
>>>> section from an older script.
>>> Please could you let me know what exactly you changed, and to what, as 
>>> I'm not aware of this error?
> ...
>> The latter section I had in my older notify script. I couldn't locate the
>> fault in the one supplied, but I'm not familiar with the language of these
>> scripts.
> If you have a chance, could you try changing it back to the original text 
> and report the error message and line number that Windows reports on the 
> script? Thanks!
I've put the original backup, and get the following error:
C:\Program Files\Box Backup>cscript NotifySysAdmin.vbs backup-start
Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host versie 5.6
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1996-2001. Alle rechten voorbehouden.

C:\Program Files\Box Backup\NotifySysAdmin.vbs(35, 39) Compilatiefout 
VBScript: Ongeldig teken

The error message is in dutch, so I will translate it here:
C:\Program Files\Box Backup\NotifySysAdmin.vbs(35, 39) Compilation error 
VBScript: Invalid character

>>>> But now it is running I got numerous warnings, like this one: 
>>>> WARNING: Found conflicting parent ID for file ID 2002 
>>>> ($PATH$\$FILENAME$): expected 118406 ($PATH$) but found 11495 (same 
>>>> directory used in two different locations?)
>>>> $PATH$ is an existing path on my windows workstation, and $FILENAME$ 
>>>> also exists. Second $PATH$ is the same as the first.
>>>> This directory is not used in any other location, so I don't 
>>>> understand this error. And more importantly, what can I do to solve 
>>>> this? Or is this not necessary (but then I always would have 
>>>> numerous warnings in my eventlog)?
>> Everytime it runs, I got these errors. So it thinks the file is moved
>> everytime?
> Yes, exactly. The reason is probably that two different locations have the 
> same file ID. I guess you're not using NTFS junction points, are you? 
> Please could you tell me what "dir c:\" and "dir d:\" report as the Volume 
> Serial Number for both volumes?
> Also, please could you try running bbackupd with the following 
> configuration options:
>   LogFile = c:\bbackupd.log
>   LogFileLevel = debug
> and send me the log file that it produces?
> Cheers, Chris.
I've done this and will post the results later.

Thanks in advance,
