[Box Backup] bbackupquery.exe (R2549) has problems with non-ASCII directory names

Achim boxbackup@boxbackup.org
Tue, 04 Aug 2009 13:36:18 +0200

[I did not find a way to open a new bug on
<http://www.boxbackup.org/trac/report>, so I report to the mailing list]

bbackupquery.exe (R2549) has problems with non-ASCII directory names when
using several depths of directory at once:

Case 1
query > ls
0000006e -d---- @@@@@@
query > cd ñññññññññññ
ERROR:   Directory '' not found.
query > cd @@@@@@
query > ls
query > cd ñ
ERROR:   Directory '' not found.
query > cd ç
ERROR:   Directory '' not found.

Case 2
Going straight to the directory fails:

query > ls
00000002 -d---- BACKUPTEST
query > cd BACKUPTEST\ççççççççç\ñññññññññññ\@@@@@@
ERROR:   Directory 'BACKUPTEST\\\@@@@@@' not found.
query > cd "BACKUPTEST\ççççççççç\ñññññññññññ\@@@@@@"
ERROR:   Directory 'BACKUPTEST\\\@@@@@@' not found.

but going step by step from the same directory works:

query > ls
00000002 -d---- BACKUPTEST
query > cd BACKUPTEST
query > ls
0000006c -d---- ççççççççç
query > cd ççççççççç
query > ls
0000006d -d---- ñññññññññññ
query > cd ñññññññññññ
query > ls
0000006e -d---- @@@@@@
query > cd @@@@@@
query > ls
0000006f f----- testfile.pdf