[Box Backup] Current status 0.11

Dnk boxbackup@boxbackup.org
Wed, 25 Feb 2009 16:16:44 -0800

Dustin Krysak

Sent from my iPhone

On 25-Feb-09, at 3:59 PM, Chris Wilson <chris@qwirx.com> wrote:

> Hi Dnk,
> On Wed, 25 Feb 2009, dnk wrote:
>>> > I was curious, as to the current status of 0.11. I have been >  
>>> following the list, and waiting to have a go. I am building a new  
>>> > backup server and was hoping to have a crack at box backup. Now  
>>> I > read the disclaimers about windows and such on the website and  
>>> wiki. > Is there any sort of eta when this version may become  
>>> stable? I know > that is probably an annoying and broad question.
>>> I'm afraid I can't answer that question just yet. 0.11rc2 is as  
>>> close as we have got to a stable release of 0.11. Due to lack of  
>>> time, I have not yet been able to analyse the changes made to  
>>> trunk since then and merge them onto 0.11rc2 to produce a new  
>>> release candidate 0.11rc3, which I would hope would become 0.11  
>>> after a short delay. So the best I can say is around 2 months from  
>>> now, but without making any promises.
>> Ok, That is doable providing the upgrade path is relatively simple.
> There should be no problems with upgrading from 0.10. bbackupd does  
> not require any of the new commands implemented by the new bbstored,  
> and nor does bbstored require anything new of bbackupd. The only  
> exceptions are that bbackupquery 0.11 offers some new commands such  
> as delete which won't work with an old 0.10 bbstored (but these are  
> optional for the administrator to use or not), and that the bug with  
> backing up files over 2 GB requires that both bbackupd and bbstored  
> be upgraded to 0.11 to fix it (but does not specify the order that  
> the upgrade must happen in).

Looks like I will have to go with 0.11rc2 as I have some users with  
2+gb files (outlook pst).

Is that link previously given for the win client compatible with 0.10  
or 0.11 or both?

>>> > Also, is there any plans for an os x client? I wish I could code  
>>> to > help out with that one. Unfortunately I am no programmer.
>>> It does already run on OS X as far as I know. Several people use  
>>> it there and I spent a lot of time last year fixing the minor  
>>> issues that causes problems with the unit tests until they all  
>>> passed. 0.11rc2 includes all of that work.
>> Where can one download the other clients? I saw below that you sent  
>> a link for the win client. Are the linux/OS X clients just included  
>> with the main download?
> The source code to them all is included in the standard source  
> download. Binary packages exist for a few different Unixes and for  
> Windows, but not for OS X as far as I know, so you'll have to  
> compile it yourself.

Ok, will have to look into getting Xcode, etc setup.

>>> > Any plans for deduplication?
>>> No, sorry. Box Backup is intended for backing up user data, not  
>>> whole filesystems, and as such deduplication should not even be  
>>> necessary as far as I can see.
>> Ah ok.... I was just curious, as in my case (only user data), I  
>> have a file server which has files on it, which some (probably  
>> multiple) users probably also have on their desktops... all of  
>> which would be backed up, hence multiple instances of the same  
>> files. Might still not be a bad idea....
>> Just a suggestion.
> Thanks, suggestion taken. You can add it to the Feature Requests  
> page on the wiki as well to make sure it doesn't get forgotten. (http://www.boxbackup.org/trac/wiki/FeatureRequests 
> )

Will do.

>>> > Due to my clients and the curret status, would I be better off  
>>> to > bypass box backup at this time?
>>> We would be very happy if you would try 0.11rc2, which should work  
>>> on these platforms, and let us know if you encounter any issues.  
>>> Please use the temporary client release at http://www.boxbackup.org/releases/temporary/ 
>>>  on Windows clients, as it fixes an important bug.
>> I will do some testing. And see what comes of it.
> OK, thanks. Please let us know if you have any issues. I am happy to  
> help as much as my time permits.

I will do so.

Thanks for the pointers.

> Cheers, Chris.
> -- 
> _____ __     _
> \  __/ / ,__(_)_  | Chris Wilson <0000 at qwirx.com> - Cambs UK |
> / (_/ ,\/ _/ /_ \ | Security/C/C++/Java/Ruby/Perl/SQL Developer |
> \__/_/_/_//_/___/ | We are GNU : free your mind & your software |
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