[Box Backup] Store corruption not detected or fixed by bbstoreaccounts

Alex Harper boxbackup@boxbackup.org
Wed, 21 Jan 2009 21:13:59 -0800


I've been using Box for a while, running bbackupquery compare -a
periodically (version details below). I've recently updated to a
near-trunk-tip revision, and as a part of sanity checking the upgrade ran
compare again. During a compare pass I see this error:

WARNING: Exception thrown: CipherException(EVPFinalFailure) at
WARNING: Exception thrown: BackupStoreException(ChunkHasUnknownEncoding) at
ERROR:   SSL error while reading: error:06065064:digital envelope
routines:EVP_DecryptFinal:bad decrypt
WARNING: Exception thrown: ConnectionException(Conn_TLSReadFailed) at
ERROR:   Failed to download remote file '/Some/Filename/Here'

This is then followed by a run of other exceptions for each remaining file
in the store. I believe these can be safely ignored as they appear to be a
cascade triggered by having the protocol out-of-sync past the error.

I recognize that the store may not be recoverable at this point, however,
before I blow it away, is there any additional data I should capture to
track down the bug?

Things that may matter:

- The account was checked with bbstoreaccounts prior to upgrade and passes
checks now as well.

- No indication of disk corruption on the server.

- I believe the corruption is unrelated to the upgrade, I mention it only
for completeness. The affected file was backed up long ago (9/2008) and has
not changed.

- Prior version of Box Backup was SVN r2237, upgrade was SVN r2430.

- Both versions of Box were patched with my diff file IO patch (ticket 45).
I recognize this may be the problem, but I'm not sure how to unwind the
store and confirm that the problem is actually a bad diff chain.

- The file is visible in bbackupquery list, but attempting to get the file
results in the error.

- Nothing is logged on the server (I have enabled extended logging).

Anything else to check?


Alex Harper                                         aharper@foobox.net

=B3We cross our bridges when we come to them and burn them behind us, with
nothing to show for our progress except a memory of the smell of smoke,
and a presumption that once our eyes watered.=B2   - Tom Stoppard