[Box Backup] Hard Links & Ignoring directories

Ben Bennett boxbackup@boxbackup.org
Sun, 21 Jun 2009 22:43:04 -0400

Thanks for the excellent software.

I have two odd questions after upgrading to a recent trunk version of
boxbackup.  Now I see:

Jun 21 22:23:42 ayup bbackupd[24222]: WARNING: Found conflicting parent ID for file ID 1579976 (/home/fiji/public_html/pictures/49/014 - Nursery.jpg): expected 34689 but found 69964 (same directory used in two different locations?)

The warning is correct, the file is in two locations...

> ls -li '/home/fiji/public_html/pictures/49/013 - Nursery.jpg' '/home/fiji/public_html/family/3/013 - Nursery.jpg' 
1579975 -rw-r--r-- 2 fiji fiji 131622 2002-12-18 07:37 /home/fiji/public_html/family/3/013 - Nursery.jpg
1579975 -rw-r--r-- 2 fiji fiji 131622 2002-12-18 07:37 /home/fiji/public_html/pictures/49/013 - Nursery.jpg

I see no reason why hard links should be discouraged... if box can not
store that relationship, fine (not great though).  But how can I at
least supress the warning?

Question the second.  I keep getting:
Jun 21 22:24:56 ayup bbackupd[24222]: WARNING: Failed to access file: /home/jb/.gvfs: Permission denied

Which while true is irritating because I have:

		Path = /home
		ExcludeFilesRegex = ^/home/[^/]+/(\.procmail/log|\.bash_history|dead\.letter|\.Xauthority|\.ICEauthority|\.xsession-errors)
		ExcludeFilesRegex = ^/home/[^/]+/[Mm]ail/(SPAM|Trash)
		ExcludeDirsRegex  = ^/home/[^/]+/(\.razor|\.spamassassin|(mail/)?\.imap|\.emacs\.d/auto-save-list|\.mozilla|\.links|\.gconf|\.gnome|\.xmms|\.ssh|\.gvfs)
		ExcludeDirsRegex  = ^/home/(mvm|harrison)/(log|archive)
		ExcludeDir        = /home/sskoog/backups
		ExcludeDir        = /home/fiji/dvdrip-data
		ExcludeFile	  = /home/mcmanus/named/ducksong.current
		ExcludeFilesRegex = ^/etc/hosts\.deny(\.purge\.bak)?

And that should match:

BTW, is there any advantage to combining it all into one regexp, or
should I just have multiple lines?

