[Box Backup] Re: Cumulus

Achim boxbackup@boxbackup.org
Tue, 17 Mar 2009 17:59:55 +0100

(also copying the mailing list to avoid confusion)

On Tue, 17 Mar 2009 09:24:25 -0700, dnk <d.k.emaillists@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 17-Mar-09, at 8:34 AM, Achim wrote:
>> You mean apart from massive user base and great community, code  
>> maturity,
>> great developer response time, multi-platform support, and (as of  
>> today)
>> several GUIs to choose from?
> One of the last few questions....
> I went to the URL that you provided, and there seemed to be very  
> little documentation (a link to the readme). In there I have seen none  
> of the above mentioned items (IE gui's, cross platform and such.
> Is there another good source of info?

The items I outlined above (community, GUI, multi-platform ...) are the
benefits that Box Backup has for me over Cumulus, just like Chris had asked
in his original question about "the advantages of Box over Cumulus, i.e.
why shouldn't I give up on Box and start using Cumulus instead?".

As stated before, I was able to compile Cumulus on OS X but I have not
tried on MingW or Solaris, for instance.

http://sysnet.ucsd.edu/projects/cumulus/ is indeed the only page that I
found after I discovered the USENIX paper. The documentation on Cumulus is
very sparse, and I have not found any other web pages that talk about it.

To be very clear: I believe that the feature set of Cumulus is interesting,
but Box Backup has proven itself in the real world in the last couple of
years. I would love to see Box Backup to be improved even further!