Politics (Was: Re: [IWE] 18th Century Brevity Award)
Wade Bowmer
Tue, 27 Feb 2007 12:04:04 +1000
On 2/27/2007, "williamoxley@aim.com" <williamoxley@aim.com> wrote:
> Met a young 60ish lady from New Zealand while in San Fran. She was aware of american politics and hoped thet Ms Clinton would NOT be the next prez. She said "We have 3 female leaders in the government and they are all raging with hot flashes, bloody mad the lot of them" She also thought bush was a stupid human being so not really a neocon either.
I sympathise.
A Federal election is coming up in Australia for later this year. The
current government (Liberal - centre-right in policy) has been in power
for more than 10 years and the current Prime Minister (John Howard) has
held his electorate for 30 years.
A State election is coming up in New South Wales in a month. The current
government (Labor - centre-left social democratic) have also held power
for more than 10 years. In fact, all the states have Labor governments.
At the State level, Labor let a lot of infrastructure run down and are
only now getting things moving because the tide of public opinion is
making them. Trouble is, I doubt the Liberal's chances of getting in
and I even doubt they'd do better. Which is a shame, because they only
have to guarantee a helluva lot more funding for rail, hospitals and
education and they would probably get in quite easily.
At the Federal level, I'm starting to really take hold of the view that
their best use is because all the States are Labor. :-( Although as a
person, Howard is a Nice Bloke, he refused to endorse the Kyoto
Protocol, and is seeming to more and more play as the US' lapdog in
recent years. And in recent days, a highly respected former journalist
has said she'll stand in the election against John Howard in his local
electorate. For the first time, I'm wondering if the Liberals have
overstayed their welcome. Unfortunately, I really don't trust Labor in
Federal politics, if only because all the states are Labor and their
crowing should they get in will turn my stomach.
Ah well - whoever we vote for, we will always get a politician. :-(
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ashton@vom.com
> To: iwe@warhead.org.uk
> Sent: Mon, 26 Feb 2007 3:28 AM
> Subject: [IWE] 18th Century Brevity Award
> OK you've been anticipating the next assault on logic, reason and just plain Goodness. Haven't you? Try -
> http://www.conservapedia.com/Main_Page
> In other space/time:
> Abigail Adams, in a letter to her husband.. as things were being thrashed out, about the nascent Republic [..If We Could Keep It]
> Lobbying for a better deal for the 50% who happened to be female, and in light of their current plight, she wrote
> " ... /remember, all men would be tyrants if they could/ ..."
> Brevity Award for a whole century?
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