Nightowl iwe@warhead.org.uk
Sun, 21 Jan 2007 20:37:01 -0800 (PST)

Scott Anderson wrote:>>Thanks for the concern, Brenda.
I'm still sick, both flu and fibromyalgia, not to
mention highly stressed at work and home for various

I'm sorry to hear that. I would have replied sooner
but we've had a busy weekend and another snowstorm.
I've about had enough snow/ice in St. Louis.

I hope that you feel better real soon, and feel less
stressed too. I'm working hard this year to reduce the
amounts of stress I get under, and other than acts of
nature I can't do anything about, it seems to be
working some. ;)

Take your time, like everyone else says, the list is
fine. I was just worried about you because you hadn't
even posted on the list and I thought maybe you were
too sick to even be online. 

Sending healing thoughts!


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