[IWE] Must be the time of year :-(
Sat, 27 Jan 2007 20:05:50 -0500
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letter sent out to the school board
CC: all school board members via email
My son re-enrolled at Woodstock Highschool on January 12th 2007. He had bee=
n home schooled since September 2006 after withdrawing from Woodstock High a=
t the request of the school. Yesterday January 26th 2007 an incident took pl=
ace at the school.
According to my son a white male slammed him into a wall and he defended hi=
mself. The actions took place very quickly with 4 school personnel separatin=
g them.=20
What happened next is either blatant racism as my son is of mixed race, or=20=
bigotry towards a student with a history of diagnosed mental issues. As the=20=
Americans with Disabilities Act defines as
"(B) any mental or psychological disorder, such as mental retardation, orga=
nic brain syndrome, emotional or mental illness, and specific learning disab=
My son was held, the other student released. When he asked why school perso=
nnel stated "that he(Levi) was important, the other student not." That is ba=
se discrimination. He asked to picked up his jacket that contained his MP3 p=
layer, he was told to leave it on the ground. The School district policy dic=
tates that=20
3. Whenever a search is to take place, the student should be escorted=20
from the class or activity area to the search location. Stops along the=20
way (restroom, locker) should be avoided. All personal property,=20
including books, jackets, hats, tote bags, and purses should be brought=20
by the student from the classroom or activity area to the search=20
By Policy, he should have been able to pickup his personal items immediatel=
Now lets proceed to the search. According to the manual
G. Imminent Danger=20
Administrators and school police officers should not hesitate to search a=20
student when they sense that they or others may be in imminent danger.=20
Where there is a reasonable basis for believing that a student or other=20
person is carrying a weapon, administrators should not hesitate for a=20
moment to stop and pat-down the potentially armed person for weapons.=20
Any imminent danger had passed, the boys had stopped fighting and the white=
child was released. As mayhem had already happened without weapons being us=
ed there was an extreme indication that a situation of NO imminent danger ex=
isted. Further the policy states=20
H. Personal Searches=20
The right of students as citizens to be free from unreasonable searches and=
seizures shall be preserved in the schools. Accordingly, school officials=20
shall proceed with extreme caution when engaging in the search of a=20
student=E2=80=99s person. The search shall be no more invasive than is reas=
necessary based upon the level of suspicion and the exigent circumstances=20
then present. Once reasonable grounds to conduct a search have been=20
established, the following guidelines shall control:=20
a. Middle and High School Student Searches - Exceptions=20
1. Personal searches of middle and high school students may be=20
conducted by school administrators when the health or safety=20
of the student (or other students) is threatened or at risk.=20
Reasonable grounds for this assumption must exist prior to the=20
search. The search shall be carried out by the principal or=20
designee and should be in the presence of a witness of the same=20
gender if the level of danger or risk and time will permit.=20
Parents will be contacted after the search.=20
Again, reasonable suspicion, why was the other boy not searched? Discrimina=
tory practice. Also I have yet to be contacted by ANY school authorities.
The next part speaks to searches due to a serious criminal act. Again why w=
as the person defending himself ONLY held and searched?
3. Where the search of a student appears necessary due to a=20
serious criminal act, the principal/designee shall,=20
after informing the student of the action to be taken and the=20
reasons for the search, contact the student=E2=80=99s parents and or=20
legal guardian and the school police department.=20
II. Searches and Seizures by School Police Officers=20
A. When a law enforcement officer instigates, directs, participates or acqu=
in a search conducted by school officials, the officer must have probable c=
for the search, even though the school officials acting alone would be trea=
as state officials subject to a lesser constitutional standard for conducti=
There was NO probable cause for the Police officers to search my son unless=
he was already under arrest. My son repeatedly requested to press charges a=
gainst his attacker, everyone he spoke to refused to acknowledge his request=
B. Police officers of the Cherokee County School Police Department are requ=
to adhere to the principles of the United States Constitution, applicable f=
and state laws, and the policies of the General Directives Manual of the=20
Cherokee County School Police Department when conducting searches of=20
persons, and/or property.=20
My son was also accused of the following:
=E2=80=A2 No Student Shall: (1) display or wear gang articles, paraphernali=
a or clothing which has been established as=20
being gang related; (2) recruit or solicit membership in any gang or gang r=
elated organization; (3) hold himself=20
or herself out as a member of a gang, either through words or actions.=20
A black bandanna in his pocket amounts to being a gang member? When I asked=
the juvenile justice officer what gang he was supposed to represent they co=
uldn't tell be. It must have been the non white gang.
Now my son is facing serious criminal charges due to a search that should n=
ot have occurred, I believe it is elements of the administration of the High=
School that don't want him attending there and are willing to bend any rule=
to ensure that it happens.=20
I would like the following to happen.
All school surveillance tapes during the event to be preserved for any juve=
nile court appearances and as evidence for any civil trial that may take pla=
A copy of all the required reports of this incident including the reports o=
f witnesses and of the search.
An explanation of why Cherokee County School District does not have to educ=
ate my child.
the found an folding blade in his pocket, he is looking at 1-5years
Check Out the new free AIM(R) Mail -- 2 GB of storage and industry-leading s=
pam and email virus protection.
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<div id=3D"AOLMsgPart_0_c0fc1407-11da-444c-a679-00285a9690bc" class=3D"AOLPl=
ainTextBody"><a href=3D"http://lists.warhead.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/iwe" ta=
rget=3D"_blank"></a>letter sent out to the school board<br>
CC: all school board members via email<br>
My son re-enrolled at Woodstock Highschool on January 12th 2007. He had been=
home schooled since September 2006 after withdrawing from Woodstock High at=
the request of the school. Yesterday January 26th 2007 an incident took pla=
ce at the school.<br>
According to my son a white male slammed him into a wall and he defended him=
self. The actions took place very quickly with 4 school personnel separating=
them. <br>
What happened next is either blatant racism as my son is of mixed race, or b=
igotry towards a student with a history of diagnosed mental issues. As the A=
mericans with Disabilities Act defines as<br>
"(B) any mental or psychological disorder, such as mental retardation,=
organic brain syndrome, emotional or mental illness, and specific learning=20=
My son was held, the other student released. When he asked why school person=
nel stated "that he(Levi) was important, the other student not." That is bas=
e discrimination. He asked to picked up his jacket that contained his MP3 pl=
ayer, he was told to leave it on the ground. The School district policy dict=
ates that <br>
3. Whenever a search is to take place, the student should be escorted=20=
from the class or activity area to the search location. Stops along th=
e <br>
way (restroom, locker) should be avoided. All personal property, <br>
including books, jackets, hats, tote bags, and purses should be brought <br>
by the student from the classroom or activity area to the search <br>
location. <br>
By Policy, he should have been able to pickup his personal items immediately=
Now lets proceed to the search. According to the manual<br>
G. Imminent Danger <br>
Administrators and school police officers should not hesitate to search a <b=
student when they sense that they or others may be in imminent danger. <br>
Where there is a reasonable basis for believing that a student or other <br>
person is carrying a weapon, administrators should not hesitate for a <br>
moment to stop and pat-down the potentially armed person for weapons. <br>
Any imminent danger had passed, the boys had stopped fighting and the white=20=
child was released. As mayhem had already happened without weapons being use=
d there was an extreme indication that a situation of NO imminent danger exi=
sted. Further the policy states <br>
H. Personal Searches <br>
The right of students as citizens to be free from unreasonable searches and=20=
seizures shall be preserved in the schools. Accordingly, school offici=
als <br>
shall proceed with extreme caution when engaging in the search of a <br>
student=E2=80=99s person. The search shall be no more invasive than is=
reasonably <br>
necessary based upon the level of suspicion and the exigent circumstances <b=
then present. Once reasonable grounds to conduct a search have been <b=
established, the following guidelines shall control: <br>
a. Middle and High School Student Searches - Exceptions <br>
1. Personal searches of middle and high school students may be <br>
conducted by school administrators when the health or safety <br>
of the student (or other students) is threatened or at risk. <br>
Reasonable grounds for this assumption must exist prior to the <br>
search. The search shall be carried out by the principal or <br>
designee and should be in the presence of a witness of the same <br>
gender if the level of danger or risk and time will permit. <br>
Parents will be contacted after the search. <br>
Again, reasonable suspicion, why was the other boy not searched? Discriminat=
ory practice. Also I have yet to be contacted by ANY school authorities.<br>
The next part speaks to searches due to a serious criminal act. Again why wa=
s the person defending himself ONLY held and searched?<br>
3. Where the search of a student appears necessary due to a <br>
serious criminal act, the principal/designee shall, <br>
after informing the student of the action to be taken and the <br>
reasons for the search, contact the student=E2=80=99s parents and or <br>
legal guardian and the school police department. <br>
II. Searches and Seizures by School Police Officers <br>
A. When a law enforcement officer instigates, directs, participates or acqui=
esces <br>
in a search conducted by school officials, the officer must have probable ca=
use <br>
for the search, even though the school officials acting alone would be treat=
ed <br>
as state officials subject to a lesser constitutional standard for conductin=
g <br>
searches. <br>
There was NO probable cause for the Police officers to search my son unless=20=
he was already under arrest. My son repeatedly requested to press charges ag=
ainst his attacker, everyone he spoke to refused to acknowledge his request.=
B. Police officers of the Cherokee County School Police Department are requi=
red <br>
to adhere to the principles of the United States Constitution, applicable fe=
deral <br>
and state laws, and the policies of the General Directives Manual of the <br=
Cherokee County School Police Department when conducting searches of <br>
persons, and/or property. <br>
My son was also accused of the following:<br>
=E2=80=A2 No Student Shall: (1) display or wear gang articles, paraphernalia=
or clothing which has been established as <br>
being gang related; (2) recruit or solicit membership in any gang or gang re=
lated organization; (3) hold himself <br>
or herself out as a member of a gang, either through words or actions. <br>
A black bandanna in his pocket amounts to being a gang member? When I asked=20=
the juvenile justice officer what gang he was supposed to represent they cou=
ldn't tell be. It must have been the non white gang.<br>
Now my son is facing serious criminal charges due to a search that should no=
t have occurred, I believe it is elements of the administration of the=
High School that don't want him attending there and are willing to bend any=
rule to ensure that it happens. <br>
I would like the following to happen.<br>
All school surveillance tapes during the event to be preserved for any=
juvenile court appearances and as evidence for any civil trial that may tak=
e place.<br>
A copy of all the required reports of this incident including the reports of=
witnesses and of the search.<br>
An explanation of why Cherokee County School District does not have to educa=
te my child.<br>
the found an folding blade in his pocket, he is looking at 1-5years<br>
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