[IWE] Search doesn't work for a specific forum?

D. Scott Katzer iwe@warhead.org.uk
Thu, 29 Nov 2007 19:47:03 -0500

Hi Ben,

Ben Tilly wrote:
> This URL gives an internal server error:
> http://z.iwethey.org/forums/render/board/search/?field_searchUser=-1&field_searchSubject=&field_searchContent=whatever&field_searchSignature=&field_searchForum=%7B%27id%27%3A+%2751%27%2C+%27group%27%3A+%27Current+News%27%7D&field_boardid=1&submit_ok%3Amethod=Search
> I got there by trying to search for "whatever" in the forum "Digital Rights".
There are some issues with search and a few other links on the main 
page.  I think they're left-overs from the most recent system crash but 
Scott can probably give more details.

> (I was looking for an old database post, and got this error.)
Search seems to work as it always did if you don't specify a forum.  
Another search option is to try the custom Google search engine for IWeThey:


It seems to miss some things too, but sometimes it's a good option from 
the IWT search.

