[IWE] McCain says a bad word during the debate.

William Oxley iwe@warhead.org.uk
Sat, 27 Sep 2008 14:25:57 -0400

that was supposed to be part of abama's task to get under mccains  
notoriously thin skin, so either it wasnt effective or st john is  
getting a little better at holding his mud
On Sep 27, 2008, at 1:56 PM, D. Scott Katzer wrote:

> Several people have said (over the years) that one of the reasons  
> why McCain seems to so strongly dislike Obama is that he feels that  
> Barack stole his "Maverick" schtick.  There often does appear to be  
> genuine disgust when he throws charges at him.
> Anyway, here's a page with a short YouTube clip in which it appears  
> that Obama's getting under his skin during the debate.
> http://www.raisingkaine.com/showDiary.do?diaryId=16278
> It sounds like "horseshit" to me, too (especially the 2nd time).
> Others say he was saying "of course", but that doesn't make much  
> sense to me.
> http://www.dailykos.com/story/2008/9/27/1216/62905
> Incidentally, it's not a big deal either way, except it shows that  
> McCain can say the most ridiculous, offensive things about Obama  
> (http://marcambinder.theatlantic.com/archives/2008/07/ 
> mccains_new_line_on_obama.php) but if he's challenged about what he  
> himself *actually said*, he apparently can't take it.
> Cheers,
> Scott.
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