[Box Backup-dev] Win32 dist, bb-save-state merged, MSVC files? (was: COMMIT r348 - in box/chris/bb-save-state: . bin/bbackupd lib/common lib/server)

Chris Wilson boxbackup-dev@fluffy.co.uk
Thu, 2 Feb 2006 22:47:37 +0000 (GMT)

Hi Ben,

> Now, where are these new MSVC project files? If they're easy to get out 
> (which I'm not sure they are on their own) then let's get them in. It 
> may just be easier if Chris just checks them into trunk. If only the 
> Win32 project files are touched, then I have no problems whatsoever.

Sorry, I know I'm a bit late, as I thought I would be (it's been a busy 

You can find just those files at 
but it's not enough to make Box compile on MSVC by itself. I'm working on 
cleaning up the whole vc2005-compile-fixes branch so that it can be 
approved for merging, I hope.

> What Win32 files should I include in the release candidate?

All these, and everything in lib/win32 and test/win32, please.

Cheers, Chris.
_ ___ __     _
  / __/ / ,__(_)_  | Chris Wilson <0000 at qwirx.com> - Cambs UK |
/ (_/ ,\/ _/ /_ \ | Security/C/C++/Java/Perl/SQL/HTML Developer |
\ _/_/_/_//_/___/ | We are GNU-free your mind-and your software |