[Box Backup-dev] win32 review

Martin Ebourne boxbackup-dev@fluffy.co.uk
Mon, 13 Feb 2006 01:19:47 +0000

On Sun, 2006-02-12 at 17:21 +0000, Ben Summers wrote:
> On 12 Feb 2006, at 16:06, Chris Wilson wrote:
> > Changed as requested, but I thought that TRUE and true were the same?
> bool can only take true and false as a value, but BOOL is an int (on  
> MS platforms anyway) which means that TRUE and FALSE are only two  
> possible values.

In addition it is important for overloading. If there are both a bool
and an int overload for a function then because TRUE is 1 and FALSE is 0
they will call the int overload, not the bool one. In addition TRUE and
FALSE are normally #defines, which are generally not nice and best
avoided in code.

> > Why do we have this strange distribution system where the location  
> > of the contrib directory changes? Can it be fixed? Otherwise, can I  
> > put contrib stuff somewhere other than under distribution/boxbackup?
> I make multiple distributions from a single tree. It would get very  
> messy if things were done differently.

Is this still true now that box is in its own svn? Could it be special
cased in the release script code? I must admit it seems a little odd,
and it would be nice for svn to match the tar releases where possible.
eg. It would make building packages from tars of svn the same as from
official tars without any special cases.

