[Box Backup-dev] Windows ACLs

Charles Lecklider boxbackup-dev@fluffy.co.uk
Sun, 26 Feb 2006 23:35:14 +0000

Ben Summers wrote:
> Oh well. Nothing is easy with Win32 security.

That's what makes it such fun :-)

>> The only time I can see storing Windows ACLs has any use is if you want
>> to backup an entire machine so that you can restore it as a whole later,
>> and I'm not at all sure that's a role for Box.
> Hmmm... what would you recommend then? At the very least, it has to
> separate out each users' files, I suppose.

One account per user.

I have code to import a cert into the trusted root certs store (would be
done once when installing Box), generate a key pair in the local user's
store, create and send a CSR, and import the signed cert into the store.

Exactly how we get the new cert from the server back to the client is a
matter that needs some discussion, since it rapidly becomes quite
tedious to do it manually....
