[Box Backup] Some mods

Ben Summers boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Mon, 5 Apr 2004 09:35:25 +0100

On 5 Apr 2004, at 00:55, Imran wrote:

> I don't know if its usefull or goes against your policy, but i made 
> some
> changes to 0.4PLUS1 for better openssl support.
> Basically this only usefull for people that may have openssl installed 
> from
> packages and then they manually compile openssl from openssl.org 
> source tgz.

OpenSSL is the one thing which really causes problems when trying to 
compile Box Backup -- I'm very keen on any suggestions which make this 
easier. I'll check it out and incorporate the functionality.

In general, I really appreciate patches. I do need a short note saying 
you're happy for them to go out under the current license, though.

> Issues:
> This makes the parcels thing not universal.  i mean, ifyou compile on a
> machine with manually installed openssl and then try to run the parcel 
> on a
> machine that has openssl installed with rpm etc. and not from source 
> from
> openssl.org.
> But then again its probably not a problem, since you would want to make
> parcels for homogenous sets of systems.

I don't think this is a problem. Parcels are not meant to replace the 
ports or packages system for your platform. It's more an administrative 
convenience than anything else.
