[Box Backup] error

mailing lists boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Tue, 06 Apr 2004 21:10:52 -0300


  I'm running an old version of boxbackup (0.03) on my home network.

  It is backing up a set of documents and graphics on from 2 o
3 directories on my ~ to a remote server.

  This was working fine when I set it up. I'd been a bit busy these
last two months and found it broken last night.

  I'm seen this error on the client side:

Apr  6 20:28:58 dante bbackupd[21512]: Exception caught (3/15), reset 
state and waiting to retry...
Apr  6 20:47:42 dante bbackupd[21512]: Exception caught (3/15), reset 
state and waiting to retry...

  I checked RaidFileException.h and 15 is: DirectoryIncomplete = 15, but it
doesn't really help and I'm not sure if that file is where I should check.

  I don't care about backedup documents as originals are fine, but
I like the idea of having these things encrypted and backuped remotelly.

  Should I destroy the whole setup (directoryincomplete sounds scary) and
restart with latest or is there any way to fix things up?
