[Box Backup] bbackupquery feature requests

Imran boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Tue, 4 May 2004 22:35:58 -0500

Three features, they might be already slated for release or already discussed.  

First, some type of a info command that gives you the files updated from a
certain date+time to a certain date/time, or a certain date+time to now, or
files uploaded from beginning till a certain date+time.   possibly in the
format "200404041221-200404081800" to specify a from to range".  if its
"-200401030000", would signify from start of backups.  "20040420-" would mean
from that date till now.  Also an option that would allow you to list deleted
files, changed, or new files from that said range.  (files that the backup
client noticed that were deleted).  So i can ask for all files deleted from
20040501 till now.  would be also cool if instead of an absolute date, that it
can do relative dates, but not a big deal, since its easy to get a calendar. 
well it could be a future enhancement.

Second, restore command, i want to be able to restore (individual files, dirs,
etc.) from a certain date/time.   (which ties in to the thrd feature request).
 this would be in additoin to the snapshot feature.  (actually not sure of
other benefits of snapshot...).  But basically if I didn't have a snapshot,
and maybe a hacker went into the machine at a certain time, i want to be able
to restore stuff.  Also if i specify a certain date for a certain dir, and i
tell it to restore those files, and lets say housekeeping had deleted a
certain file in that dir, if it would just list me the file that was removed,
but it restores as much as it has.

Third, some status command that will tell me what is the earliest date for
which it has a full complete backup.  i guess its a flag/date that the
server-housekeeping tool can keep track and update.  or maybe there is a way
to calculate it in case that gets corrupted.  also possibly instead of
earliest date for a full backup, just a certain directory i specify.  i.e.
housekeeping might have deleted some big log file in another directory, but
another directory might still be safe, etc. 

Maybe I can do this already... anyway.   Thanks for listening!
