[Box Backup] Box Backup Win32 Client Next release (0.08f)

Mitja Muženič boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Mon, 1 Nov 2004 22:27:01 +0100

> Problem with storing file mod time in the store - calculated 
> wrongly in
> certain situations - fixed
> Included Exception codes in the installer - for local reference


> Would like some feedback - it is looking fairly stable.

1. Box Backup is not listed in Control Panel/ Add&Remove programs. To
uninstall, you have to browse to the installation folder and run
Uninst000.exe which works but is not pretty.

2. "Unusual" event format in Event Log:

The description for Event ID ( 4 ) in Source ( bbackupd ) cannot be found.
The local computer may not have the necessary registry information or
message DLL files to display messages from a remote computer. You may be
able to use the /AUXSOURCE= flag to retrieve this description; see Help and
Support for details. The following information is part of the event: Send

etc. Basically you get the event information together with an annoying
windows warning. Haven't got a clue about that.

3. All sort of wierd behaviour happening if you do not install to the
default dir. I suggest to add the full path of the configuration file in all
Box backup menu entries.

4. Regarding the local generation of keys, as you already include ssl
libraries, why not also include openssl.exe (from
http://www.slproweb.com/products/Win32OpenSSL.html ) and run a batch script
similar to this at installation:

@echo off
set /p acct=Enter your account number: 

if exist $temp.txt del $temp.txt > nul

echo .>> $temp.txt
echo .>> $temp.txt
echo .>> $temp.txt
echo .>> $temp.txt
echo .>> $temp.txt
echo BACKUP-%acct%>> $temp.txt
echo .>> $temp.txt
echo .>> $temp.txt
echo .>> $temp.txt
echo. >> $temp.txt

echo Generating private key...
openssl genrsa -out %acct%-key.pem 2048

echo Generating certificate request...
type $temp.txt |  openssl req -new -key %acct%-key.pem -sha1 -out
%acct%-csr.pem -config openssl.conf
del $temp.txt >nul

echo Generating keys for file backup...
openssl rand -out %acct%-FileEncKeys.raw 1024
echo Done!

> Thanks
> Nick

Regards, Mitja