[Box Backup] (no subject)

Michel CERDINI boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Mon, 25 Oct 2004 01:13:48 -1000

  Problem solved...
  It was a g++ compiler bug...
  It was this bug : http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=3D12726
  I have compiled a new one (g++-3.3.4), and now it work fine...

  But... I have another one issue...
  I can't read the archive list at this time (the web access does't work=20
?), so sorry if I ask again a question already answered...

  The server use libssl.so.0.9.7a, and boxbackup was compiled with it.
  The client use libssl.so.0.9.6b, and boxbackup was compiled with=20
allow-old-openssl option.

  When the client is going to connect to the server, I see in the log file=
box :

  Oct 25 13:00:14 serveur bbstored[30495]: SSL err during Accept:=20
error:140890B2:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE:no certificate=

  Any idea ?

  And I discovered a little bug :
  When the server is running, there are 2 process in the ps table.
  I've tried to kill the 2 process with one kill line (ie. # kill 29143=
  After that, the etc/bbstored.conf was strangely deleted !
  If I only kill the first process, the server going down, and=20
etc/bbstored.conf isn't deleted...

At 12:57 24/10/2004 +0100, you wrote:
>Hello Michel,
>Fedora - and redhat in general don't install all of the compiler and devel=
>tools required for installing from source - I always find it really=
>I am not sure in this case the specific error - but make sure all the=20
>optional extras for fedora are installed.
>Other issues might be environment variables not setup correctly.
>I have a similar machine at the mo based on fedora core1 where I cannot=20
>install anything from source unless I spend the time installing all of the=
>devel tools which are not installed by default.
>Although I am no expert I think this is the case!
>boxbackup mailing list

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