[Box Backup] Available: a couple of EXPERIMENTAL BoxBackup patches.

Gary boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Mon, 25 Apr 2005 13:48:53 -0700 (PDT)

Hi everyone,

I have put together a package of a couple of EXPERIMENTAL BoxBackup
patches. New bbackupd.conf features are StoreObjectInfoFile
(optimization of file scan process across bbackupd shutdowns),
unlimited MaximumDiffingTime, and KeepAliveTime (fixes the SSL timeout
problem mentioned in other threads). For more information, visit:


My primary testing platform set is Cygwin client/RedHad 9.0 server. I
have been running with the code for over a week on my backup store
(proper) - so far no problems, but, again, the stuff is EXPERIMENTAL at
this point.


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