[Box Backup] Network failure

Mr R G Shepherd boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Mon, 07 Feb 2005 09:26:38 +0000

Ben Summers wrote:
> Simply use the normal UNIX file permission system to restrict access to 
> the key and certificates files. Then they won't be able to log in, and 
> even if they did, they wouldn't be able to decrypt the data.
> The supplied bbackupd-config script will limit these files to the user 
> who runs the script. This is usually root, as root privileges are 
> required to read all files (unless you have lots of fun with groups).
> Ben

Forgive my ignorance, I have not yet had a chance to install and play with 
boxbackup. Soon though :)

The method you state above: will this not disable backup also? I only want to 
limit restore... :)



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