[Box Backup] Certificate management

Ben Summers boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Tue, 8 Feb 2005 09:43:56 +0000

On 8 Feb 2005, at 09:43, Nick Knight wrote:

> Hello all,
> I am looking to write some procedures for our internal use on using
> boxbackup, most of it is done so far but there is a coupe of 
> outstanding
> procedures I need to still write.
> The main one is what to do if a client thinks certificates has possible
> fallen into the wrong hands. In this situation what is the best
> procedure to follow, i.e. which certificates should be regenerated, and
> how should the old ones be blocked.

I don't see the certificates as being terribly important, to be quite 
honest. They're really just used to ensure end to end encryption. There 
isn't a specific mechanism to block them at the moment, apart from 
deleting the account on the server and starting again with a different 
account number.

The important thing is the keys file. If that is lost, move the current 
backups offline, and start again with a new keys file (and a new 
account number, in case the cert got lost too.)
