[Box Backup] some probs with windows version
Charles Lecklider
Thu, 13 Jan 2005 10:40:20 +0000
Ben Summers wrote:
> On 13 Jan 2005, at 01:27, Charles Lecklider wrote:
>> Per Thomsen wrote:
>>> This is expected behaviour. The server keeps the old versions of the
>>> renamed directories around until they need to be deleted.
>> Except that Windows is case-insensitive; temp -> Temp shouldn't be
>> tracked as a rename.
> I think Per has mislead you. If it were renamed, the old version would
> "disappear" instantly, as the name would be changed on the server. The
> reason there are temp and Temp directories in the root is because a
> backup location called Temp was removed from the config file, and is
> waiting to be marked as deleted, and a new location called temp has just
> been added.
Aha. Yes, that makes sense.
>> I'm not sure how boxbackup is supposed to deal with that, but the
>> current behaviour is (from a Windows point of view) simply wrong.
> The root of the store is a special case as it contains backup locations,
> not backed up directories.
> The current behaviour is to use the case which Windows returns, and if
> case is changed, treat it as a rename. I think this is sensible, and
> also compatible with the UNIX version. Or at least, not a bad thing.
Which also makes sense.
No problems here, nothing to see, move along! :-)