[Box Backup] bbstored/bbackupd communication ports

Robert Shaw boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Wed, 19 Jan 2005 09:40:45 -0800


I'm new to this list and to boxbackup. I'd first like to say, thanks to 
the author for this great backup program. I've only been using it for a 
few days, but it has a lot of nice features, and it works very well. 
I'm actually using it on an Apple MacOSX system, but I realize that 
none of the resource forks are handled. That's fine for what I'm 
backing up now, but if you ever want a test subject for future resource 
fork support, or help with the coding, I'm game.

The reason I am posting is I was wondering if there is a way to know 
what ports bbstored and bbackupd are communicating on BEFORE the 
connection is requested. Is this possible? Or alternately, is it 
possible to hard-code the ports used per client to server connection? I 
want to be able to tunnel the connection over SSH from remote sites 
when I'm not on my local network, but when I look at the syslog 
outputs, it appears that the ports used are random. So I can't seem to 
forward the proper ports for it to communicate to the server.

Any suggestions or ideas?
