[Box Backup] Boxwin On Server 2003

Ben Summers boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Fri, 3 Jun 2005 08:59:04 +0100

On 2 Jun 2005, at 23:37, Mike Bydalek wrote:

> Hello.
> Let me start off by saying nice work on the Boxwin, and I hope this  
> is the
> correct place to ask questions about it since I can't find for the  
> life of me a
> mailing list for it, and have seen it mentioned here.
> As for the reason of my post, I've been using Box Backup on my  
> Linux clients for
> a good amount of time.  Recently, a client wanted a Windows server,  
> so I decided
> to give Boxwin a try.
> To test it, I used my local Windows XP machine and had absolutely  
> no problem
> whatsoever with it (hence my cheers ;).  But, when I went to  
> implement it on
> their server, Windows Server 2003, it didn't work properly.  All  
> that would
> happen is that the top level locations would be created, nothing more.
> In looking through the application log, when I do an initiate  
> backup, boxbackupd
> throws this, which I've read means it can't access the file, or  
> file doesn't
> exist, etc.:
> Exception caught (1/9), reset state and waiting to retry....
> The next event in the application log is that the backup finished  
> transferring 0
> files and 0 bytes (duh).
> Well, I then decided to have the service run as the Administrator,  
> and then
> added an "everyone" to the directories and gave full perms (I'm  
> doing 2 simple
> test directories for now).  After granting the world access to my test
> directories, I still received that error and am now stuck.
> Is there something special in 2003 that needs to be done that  
> doesn't need to be
> done in XP?

 From the information you've given, it sounds more likely that there  
is something wrong with your configuration. First, check that all the  
files and directories mentioned in it actually exist, and once you're  
sure it's correct, post the config file here for comments.
