[Box Backup] restore problems

Nathan Van Overloop boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Thu, 30 Jun 2005 11:55:52 +0200


I'm trying to do a restore but I keep getting the same errors.  I've 
succeeded in restoring 2 stores but the most important fails :-(

On the client I get the following exception after a while (he has 
already restored a part of the store):
Common OSFileOpenError (Can't open a file -- attempted to load a 
non-existant config file or bad file referenced within?) (1/2)

On the server I get:
Certificate CN: BACKUP-1
Login: Client ID 00000001, Read-only
bbstored/hk[7831]: Starting housekeeping
bbstored/hk[7831]: Finished housekeeping
and at the same time as the client message:
 in server child, exception Connection TLSReadFailed (Probably a network 
issue between client and server.) (7/34) -- terminating child

when I do a bbstoreaccounts check 00000001 I get no errors except a lot of

File ID 16f41 has different container ID, probably moved
File ID 16f42 has different container ID, probably moved
File ID 16b22 has different container ID, probably moved
File ID 16b23 has different container ID, probably moved
File ID 16b19 has different container ID, probably moved

...I'm trying to restore to a iomega rev disk...

Thanks for helping me out...
