[Box Backup] restore problems

Ben Summers boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Thu, 30 Jun 2005 11:01:58 +0100

On 30 Jun 2005, at 10:55, Nathan Van Overloop wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm trying to do a restore but I keep getting the same errors.   
> I've succeeded in restoring 2 stores but the most important fails :-(
> On the client I get the following exception after a while (he has  
> already restored a part of the store):
> Common OSFileOpenError (Can't open a file -- attempted to load a  
> non-existant config file or bad file referenced within?) (1/2)

How much disc space have you got free on the partition?

> On the server I get:
> Certificate CN: BACKUP-1
> Login: Client ID 00000001, Read-only
> bbstored/hk[7831]: Starting housekeeping
> bbstored/hk[7831]: Finished housekeeping
> and at the same time as the client message:
> in server child, exception Connection TLSReadFailed (Probably a  
> network issue between client and server.) (7/34) -- terminating child

Just shows the client disconnecting on an error.

> when I do a bbstoreaccounts check 00000001 I get no errors except a  
> lot of
> File ID 16f41 has different container ID, probably moved
> File ID 16f42 has different container ID, probably moved
> File ID 16b22 has different container ID, probably moved
> File ID 16b23 has different container ID, probably moved
> File ID 16b19 has different container ID, probably moved

This is fine, expected if you have renamed directories or files.
