[Box Backup] Boxi on winxp using Cygwin

Mikael Syska boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Mon, 23 May 2005 17:33:48 +0200


I have download the Boxi cygwim precompiled package from 
http://www.qwirx.com/boxi/ and nearly every thing seems to work.

I created the CA and other certificates on my openbsd box, no problem 
there.Used Boxi to select the different files etc from the GUI, and 
connected to the server. When I want to choose witch files to backup 
under locations all the buttons are disabled... So i can't add any thing 
Under Local Files my C: are listed, and I dont know whats this panel are 
for yet.
Server Files dont list any thing as I havent done any backup yet. In the 
Backup Process panel, if I push the "Sync" button, it just says that 
"Sync Failed, sleeping (pid 2980)"...
How can I debug this?

Mikael Syska