[Box Backup] Debian 3.1 and BoxBackup 0.09-3 problem

Alessandro Marzini boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Tue, 8 Nov 2005 04:38:29 +0100

I installed and configured boxbackup client and server side.
But i continue to receive this error on server side:

SSL err during Accept: error:1409441B:SSL
routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:tlsv1 alert decrypt error
Nov  8 04:35:00 81-174-30-112 bbstored[18417]: in server child,
exception Connection TLSHandshakeFailed (7/30) -- terminating child

Perhaps some package missing in debian? I installed OpenSSL and base debian=
Clock and date are ok in the two machine..
So, where I wrong? Please help...thank you in advance.

Alessandro Marzini