[Box Backup] exception caught and endless retries

Ben Summers boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Wed, 23 Nov 2005 09:51:20 +0000

On 21 Nov 2005, at 21:33, Robert B wrote:

> I'm running boxbackup 0.09 (v0.09fWin32 to be exact) on Windows.   
> I'm getting
> Exception caught (1/9), reset state and waiting to retry...
> I wouldn't mind except that, instead of running every hour, it  
> keeps running with about a 2 minute delay between each run.   
> Because of this, my computer has slowed to a crawl.
> The above error does not tell me which file it is failing on and  
> therefore cannot exclude it from the back up in the hopes that  
> boxbackup won't endless run.
> 1) Is there a way to find out the file it's failing on? or

Set ExtendedLogging = yes in bbackupd.conf, make sure you have syslog  
logging set

    http://www.fluffy.co.uk/boxbackup/server.html   (not raidfile of  

and then look for the last filename before it retries.

[Note: this is the general answer. On the Win32 port, you may not  
have to do anything to get it to log, as the client just sends  
everything to the Windows Event Log without extra configuration.]

> 2) Is there a way to adjust the delay between retries?

Not currently. I assume if you're running a backup client you want it  
to do it's best at backing up your files.
