[Box Backup] Backup with far more space used than source

Ben Summers boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Fri, 2 Sep 2005 17:52:23 +0100

On 2 Sep 2005, at 17:25, Kristopher Zentner wrote:

>> It depends, because old versions of files are kept until the soft
>> limit on the account is exceeded. You haven't given sufficient
>> information for any meaningful answer.
>> * How often do the files change on the clients?
>> * What are the individual limits and usage for the two accounts? (use
>> bbstoreaccounts to get this)
>> For example, if files on the 7G client changed daily and you had a
>> 100G limit on the corresponding server account, your server could be
>> acting as expected.
>> Ben
> I realize that incremental/differential updates will fill the drive  
> after time.
> However this is after only *one* snapshot session, my first one as  
> I said...

You didn't say that the 7G account only had one session, and you gave  
the total for both accounts. I just wanted to eliminate the obvious.

>> Granted I'm not backing up the entire drive, only about 135G worth
>> and this is afer only one snapshot session,
> There hasn't been a chance for differential or incrementals to be  
> made so how
> often the files change is irrelevant since changes have not been  
> stored,
> although there have been no changes on the drive in the time i've used
> boxbackup. The limits I've set on that account are 250G soft limit,  
> 259G hard.
> Account 1 has only been backed up a few days, however, the du  
> command I
> displayed showed the space used only by the account in question  
> (account 2):
>> (#:/backups/backup)- du -h -d 0 00000002
>> 242G    00000002
> account 1 by contrast is still pretty sane and i've run more than  
> one snapshot
> backup on it
> (#:/backups/backup)- du -h -d 0 00000001
> 7.1G    00000001
> Is it possible it has something to do with using a lot of already  
> compressed
> media? I really have no idea why it'd be using this much.

It does seem to be a bit high. The files are being run through a  
compression algorithm, but it specifically states in the docs that it  
should only inflate by a 5 bytes per 16k or so. So that's not going  
to be it.

Can you do a bbstoreacounts info on the offending account to see how  
much space it thinks it's used? The old and delete counts might be  
interesting. You could also log in with bbackupquery to see if there  
are any odd happenings.
