[Box Backup] 0.10 on Windows?

Paul Nash boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Sat, 1 Apr 2006 08:52:22 -0500


>The problem is not the license, but technical. Microsoft has created a
>whole new DLL hell with managed assemblies (google for "express dll

Aha!  Billy G strikes again :-)

>Also, it DOES NOT fix the problem. I still can't run these binaries on a
>plain old win2k machine. Therefore, I give Microsoft the bird and
>compile Box with MinGW.

Right.  So maybe I should change compilers (once again) and move to MinGW.
This time, I'll RTFM before I install (and see whether it'll co-exist with
my Cygwin install, or just blow away cygwin & replace).

It'll also relieve me of the "assert" problems when VC++ debug libraries
encounter a file with no creation date (shipped in from my Ma cor one of my
FreeBSD boxen).

Thanks for all the help.
