[Box Backup] problems with large files?

Paul Nash boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Tue, 25 Apr 2006 18:59:45 -0400

> If they never get uploaded to the server in
>their entirety, woudn't compare() never show the problem?

I don't know about the current binaries, just the versions that I built.
Maybe my cygwin/mingw stuff is screwy.

My symptoms were that it would spot the file (2GB+), start the upload,
feeding a humungous filesize to the server.  The file itself would not be

The file would show up with "ls".  "compare" would say that the contents
were different, "get" would retrieve a zero-byte-long file, "getobject"
would pull down about 140 bytes of encrypted stuff.

The easiest way to check is to go to lib/win32, and compile emu.cpp with
"-E" and look at the output.  You'll find that "struct stat" has "_off_t
st_size".  In my environment, "_off_t" is "int32", *NOT* "uint64_t".  The
answer is probably to use _stati64, but I just hacked
/usr/i686-pc-mingw32/sys/stat.h, and it works fine now.
