[Box Backup] ExcludeFile command being ignored with Win32 client.

Chris Wilson boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Thu, 10 Aug 2006 20:45:59 +0100 (BST)

Hi Pete,

> I hope to install Chris' new client soon; I'll report back what I find.

The newest versions of the client are case insensitive, so you can 
simplify your regex a bit:

> Directory backslashes in regex (and maybe many other characters, maybe
> including ":", do need to be escaped with a "\".

':' does not need to be escaped.

>                ExcludeFilesRegex =
> .+\.([aA][vV][iI]|[bB][mM][pP]|[iI][sS][oO]|[mM][pP][eE]?[3gG]|[tT][iI][fF]*|[tT][mM
> ][pP]|[bB][aAcC][kK]|[dD][bB][kK]|[bB][kK][~!1-9]|[mMtT][bB][kK]|[oO][lL][dD]|[sS][aA][vV]|[sS][wW][pP]|[wW][mM][aA]|[xX
> ][lL][kK]|[cC][sS][mM]|[dD][sS][kK]|[oO][bB][jJ]|[pP][aA][rR]|[dD][bB][xX]|[dD][lL][lL])$

This could now be written as:

 	ExcludeFilesRegex = .+\.avi
 	ExcludeFilesRegex = .+\.bmp
 	ExcludeFilesRegex = .+\.iso
 	ExcludeFilesRegex = .+\.mpe?[3g]
 	ExcludeFilesRegex = .+\.tif
 	ExcludeFilesRegex = .+\.tmp
 	ExcludeFilesRegex = .+\.bak
 	ExcludeFilesRegex = .+\.bck
 	ExcludeFilesRegex = .+\.dbk
 	ExcludeFilesRegex = .+\.bk[~!1-9]
 	ExcludeFilesRegex = .+\.mbk
 	ExcludeFilesRegex = .+\.tbk
 	ExcludeFilesRegex = .+\.old

which is easier to read, although somewhat longer and a bit less 
efficient :-)

Cheers, Chris.
_ ___ __     _
  / __/ / ,__(_)_  | Chris Wilson <0000 at qwirx.com> - Cambs UK |
/ (_/ ,\/ _/ /_ \ | Security/C/C++/Java/Perl/SQL/HTML Developer |
\ _/_/_/_//_/___/ | We are GNU-free your mind-and your software |