[Box Backup] Danish and other special chars

Gary boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Wed, 8 Feb 2006 11:04:04 -0800 (PST)

I just ran a few more tests to clear up the situation as much as possible.

What might be relevant here is the fact that my Windows XP system is an English installation, but
with additional non-English character sets installed for testing (this might be the reason for
console behavior I describe, and a dedicated non-English Windows XP installation might behave

English-only character set = NATIVE
non-English character set = INTL

1. Excluding large files makes the backup complete successfully without any error messages.

2. Excluded, PREVIOUSLY uploaded, folders/files are deleted properly at the end of a run.

3. A INTL folder gets backed up, but no files inside it get backed up (be it NATIVE or INTL files,
all contents skipped).

4. A NATIVE folder gets backed up, but if it contains INTL files, none of its contents will be
backed up (be it NATIVE or INTL files, all contents skipped).


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